Name: Phat Dat Ho | |
Birthdate: 12-26-70 | |
Email: | |
Comments: + A , That is great! After 7 years I left Vietnam country;Ho Chi Minh city.This is the first time I had spend much time to view your home page.Unfortunately, I have never been in Ha Noi but your school year and some your stuff remind me to remember my High School friends, my teachers, and many. Binh, keep woking your great job. And I pround of you. Phat Dat Ho (USA) |
Name: Tuan Vo | |
Birthdate: jun,20,1953 | |
Email: | |
Comments: Hi Binh, Congratulation on your good work.I enjoy browsing your home page. Nice pictures, it brought back old memories of " Ha Noi." it is where I grew up, I miss Ha Noi. Keep up your good work. I'll be back some time to visit your home page. Please post some more picture of Ha Noi. Thanks for letting me have a good time. See you later. |
Name: Ngoc Nhi | |
Birthdate: : -) | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Hello there ! :-) Just stopping by to say hi to you and all of your friends :-) Your web page looks pretty nice, it's well organized :-) Keep your good work up, I'll be back later :-) Oh! before I forget :-) enjoy your school time in Singapore :-) I used to live near there...but haven't got a chance to visit *smile*. Gotta go...bye bye :-) |
Name: Kim TruongBirthdate: August 30, 1983 | Email: | Homepage URL: | Comments: | Dear Binh, I viewed your guestbook, and everyone seemed to have real nice thing to say about your site. I like it too. Even though I haven't got as wonderful things to say as they did. I'm going to leave a long message so that'll at least I'll be different than some of them. Maybe most of them are older and have been in Viet Nam before. I left the country when I was less than half a month old. Why don't you visit my site. Thnx for reading, Sweets, Sugar |
Name: Dave | |
Birthdate: VietNam | |
Email: | |
Comments: hi binh. congratulation u did a good job. U made me remember Hanoi-the place that i didn have a chance to visit for a long time. keep up the good work |
Name: Chau Le | |
Birthdate: '''''73 | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Hey there... you have a very cool page! I wish I can go back to see vietnam! I left when I was 2 but I still can read/write/speak very well! Anyways, I'm glad you have a webpage up representing the vietnamese pride. Keep it up and come check out my webpage ok? See ya see ya around!!! |
Name: MrMean | |
Birthdate: 31/12/1999 | |
Email: SantaClaus@North.pole | |
Comments: mmm i was rite... i'm heaps better looking than u!!! hihii :PPPPPP see ya around!!! |
Name: Victor Chia | |
Birthdate: 32 Feb 1982 | |
Comments: Hey Binh.....neat little homepage you have here, Keep up the hard Work!! |
Name: Ha Le Dung | |
Birthdate: 30/12/81 | |
Email: (Ba?o Ha^n) | |
Comments: Minh rat cam dong khi view nhung trang Binh lam ve truong cu va gia dinh. Hope to be your friend..and maybe compete with your home page! LD |
Name: Nguyen Thi Thu Hien | |
Birthdate: x/x/81 | |
Email: | |
Comments: Chào Bi`nh! Homepage cu?a Bình cuñg ddep. l)a´m nhu*ng sao Bin`h không ddê? anh cua? mâý ngu*o*ì ban. vaò vây. Và khi có hompage thi` pha?i làm cái gi`vui môt. i´t chu*´.... Nói vây. thôi Hiê`n ddây thâý Bi`nh gio?i ho*n ¨Hiê`n ddó ...:-D Happy summer P.S Hiê`n ddây. không quen Bi`nh ddâu tai. Minh cho ddia. chi? ddó... Nên Hiê´n không có y´kiê´n..:oD No Bad |