There are 4 people in my family: me, my sister and my parents. My parents are working in Viet Nam. My sister is 8 years old, studying Primary 3 at Thang Long Primary school in Ha Noi, the capital of Viet Nam. I like my sister very much, we often played with each other and it was great fun. Here I present to you my family's pictures together with my cousins and relatives.
I just want to tell more about my sis. but you know, I've been away from her for quite a while since I came here, S'pore to continue my study so I don't have much stuff about her. It's ironical that me, being older than her have perfect eye sight but she has astig. of 400D. She was so cheerful when I was around though sometimes I had to punish her for various reasons. Do not think that I bullied her 'cause I didn't. Hihihhihhihihhiihihhiiiii.
My dad is about 45, I'm not sure 'cause he himself is not sure, my dad who is working in the army rite now but I think he's doing architecture. Well, I'm not so sure. He's rather busy but he will always try to put aside some of his time to spend with the family.
My mom used to be pretty busy with her tight schedule but as a housewife, she cooked, did laundry and took care of us. Sometimes I helped her prepare the food and to tell the truth, I can cook rather well. Really !! Don't believe, come to my house one day, I can cook for you a fabulous meal, guaranttee no "stomachache". Heheheehe